Commons talk:How to create new categories or subcategories

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Linking to Commons:Categories


Can we include this into Commons:Categories#Creating_a_new_category? I'd rather see that page improved than the same presented on several pages. -- User:Docu at 13:43, 17 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Maybe Commons:Categories#Quick_guide is even the better section. -- User:Docu at 13:47, 17 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Average readers and new editors hate reading manuals. Ever seen the acronym RTFM? :)
It stands for "Read the frigging manual".
More and more computers come with quick fold-out setup sheets. In addition to the manual. Because people hate reading the frigging manual. Except as a last resort. Unlikely even then, though. They call a friend. If they have patience, they might search around for a forum to ask a question.
Most people just give up if they don't really have to know something. The Commons is optional. They don't have to help out. So if we don't answer their question immediately with a template link to short info, they are gone.
They want to help. They don't want complexity. That is why so many people just dump images in the first category they see. The template encourages them to help a little more, and to put the image in a subcategory, or in another category altogether. It also makes it easier for them to do it with links to category search and a short how-to page on creating subcategories. Many people ask about this.
Most people aren't MediaWiki geeks like us. :)
They have to get pulled in slowly until Wikimania sets in!
I like your edits, Docu, that numbered the steps. --Timeshifter (talk) 18:27, 18 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

There is a direct link to the relevant COM:CAT (Commons:Categories) section in this version of {{CatDiffuse}} below. See the "Category help" link.

--Timeshifter (talk) 01:29, 23 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]