Commons:Scuola Normale Superiore

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This partnership has the first scope of improving the image coverage of Scuola Normale Superiore faculty and alumni and its related associations.



Useful queries

#Professors with images
SELECT ?prof ?profLabel ?articleIt ?articleEn (URI(CONCAT("",?commons) AS ?commonsUrl) ?img
  ?prof wdt:P108 wd:Q672416 . 
  ?prof wdt:P373 ?commons .
  OPTIONAL { ?prof wdt:P18 ?img . }
  OPTIONAL { ?articleIt schema:about ?prof .
  ?articleIt schema:isPartOf <>. }
  OPTIONAL { ?articleEn schema:about ?prof .
  ?articleEn schema:isPartOf <>. }
  MINUS { ?prof wdt:P570 ?death . }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],it,en". }

Try it!

#Professors with missing images
SELECT ?prof ?profLabel ?articleIt ?articleEn
  ?prof wdt:P108 wd:Q672416 . 
  OPTIONAL { ?articleIt schema:about ?prof .
  ?articleIt schema:isPartOf <>. }
  OPTIONAL { ?articleEn schema:about ?prof .
  ?articleEn schema:isPartOf <>. }
  MINUS { ?prof wdt:P18 ?img . }
  MINUS { ?prof wdt:P570 ?death . }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],it,en". }

Try it!
